Project Settings Tab:

Add relevant tags

Add project location if applicable - if the project has a specific location.

delete this content box 

DO NOT DELETE the demographic module, nearest cross street question or contact information question.  These can be moved and/or rearranged if needed.

delete this content box 

Question title

Please provide the general location of your home by sharing nearby cross streets or marking a spot on the map—no specific addresses are needed.

We request this information to better understand and support residents, helping us plan services for the community.

Question title

Please share your information with us if you'd like to receive notifications when there are updates on this topic.

We do not sell your personal information to outside organizations.

Have a comment?  Email us at ___________.

Add the customized project email above.  This allows participants to email directly into the project and that data is collected in one place. All projects need a customized email address, which is one in the project settings tab by creating a custom URL.  Remember to use the custom domain option! 

Delete this box before publishing.


Administrative Review


Initial Site Inspection

Final Inspection

Project Schedule