15th Street Experience
15th Street Experience
The 15th Street Experience focuses on public improvements along 15th Street in Cheyenne, blending enhanced lighting, landscaping, streetscape elements, and even rehabilitated railcars to improve walkability, safety, and fun things to do in downtown Cheyenne!
The 15th Street Project focuses on public improvements along 15th Street between the Depot and the Reed Rail Corridor, with a primary emphasis on upgrading lighting, landscaping, and streetscape elements to enhance walkability and safety. While part of a broader City Council priority for 2024, these interim enhancements aim to spur investment and serve as foundational upgrades while the larger 15th Street Project progresses.
Throughout the process residents and business and property owners identified a need to upgrade existing lighting along 15th Street to improve walkability and safety along the corridor. The enhancements proposed in this project are limited to brighter and taller pole lights, overhead lighting similar to those along 17th Street, improved landscaping and street trees, and striped onstreet parking spaces.
Lighting enhancements are proposed with the overall 15th Street Project, but due to the extent and timeline of that process, lighting upgrades and minor streetscape enhancements are proposed in the interim. The intent of these lighting and streetscape enhancements are to spur investment and serve as base enhancements while the larger 15th Street Project is in process.